Monday 28 September 2009

Political party scrappage scheme

The government is to extend its political party scrappage scheme.
The scheme, which started in May, gives voters £2,000 off a new party if they trade in one at least 10 years old.
Business Secretary Lord Mandelson is set to announce the move, which has been called for by the electorate, in his Labour Party conference speech.
Voters have urged Chancellor Alistair Darling to extend the scheme to help save democracy amid concerns that faith in politicians would fall sharply without continued incentives to boost credibility.
"It is far from certain that consumer demand for politics can remain at these levels without government and industry providing incentives to replace older parties," said a Floating Voter.
"There are, therefore, clear risks that the recent upward trend will go into reverse once the current scrappage scheme expires."
With apologies to the BBC.

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