Thursday 29 October 2009

Baffle of Bosworth Field

Interesting piece in The Times and elsewhere about the establishment of the true location of the Battle of Bosworth Field.
It seems the visitor centre is in the wrong place and should be two miles away.
Picture the scene yesterday morning in Pennington Street where a harassed news editor thinks: 'Hmm we need a sidebar to complement this. Find me a scholar Tarquin.'
Up steps Michael Jones, author of Bosworth 1485: Psychology of a Battle.
A perfect choice? Maybe not.
As Ben Hoyle's Times story reveals, the current investigation dismissed 'Michael K. Jones’s theory that the battle was eight miles away in Warwickshire'.
So what are we to make of the final paragraph of the accompanying piece by the aforementioned Jones.
He says: 'Walking the actual field of combat remains one of the most powerful ways to connect with the past.'
Of course it begs the question: How does he know?

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